Philip Jean received his Masters of Science in Health Science/Acupuncture at the state accredited New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nassau County New York with over 700 hours of comprehensive clinical training. He is a New York State Licensed and board-certified Acupuncturist through The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Philip is trained in the ancient art of Chinese Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, nutritional therapy, and knowledge of herbal formulas. He has learned from ancient texts such as the Huangdi Neijing which contain comprehensive guidelines for a complete healthy lifestyle to slow the inevitable effects of aging by being in balance with nature and adapting to our surroundings. These ageless methods still apply to our modern lifestyles and offer an invaluable wisdom that Philip shares with all his patients so that they may live a balanced and holistic lifestyle full of health and vitality.
During his professional career, Philip has worked in various clinical settings with extensive experience in chronic and acute pain management with an emphasis on rehabilitation from personal injury, especially of the back, neck, shoulders and knees. His scope of practice includes treatment methods using Acupuncture, Cupping, Gua Sha, electric stimulation, and Tui Na massage. Philip’s expert skills are not limited to just pain management. Acupuncture is helpful for numerous conditions such as male and female reproduction, weight-loss, mental and emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression. Philip has also treated tobacco and substance addiction using Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture.
Philip Jean strives to continuously enhance his skills through professional training which is also required by the State of New York. Philip believes that Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is an art and has dedicated his life to its mastery through self-education and commitment to his patient’s wellbeing.